Summer starts with new class offerings!

Thursday, June 27,2024

I have harvested exactly 6 peppers and 4250 cherry tomatoes so far this summer. I may have exaggerated slightly, it may have been 7 peppers. I am often asked how I manage to keep up with all the classes and events I have each month and my answer is - my garden. Just as when we create art, we need to take time away from what we are painting or creating to be able to rest the eye and refresh the perspective, so too in life.

I love to open up the house of a morning and let the day roll in. The air is cooler and the neighborhood has yet to stir. My first view, other than my sweet fur family, are the flowers and bees in my front yard. It is happiness in one breath. 

Every now and then I try and go a bit further from home. It reminds me of the bigger picture, the whole my life rattles around in. It gives me the space between things that allows other perspectives and ideas to take bigger breaths. 

When I returned from a recent “away” trip, I could see some directions in artistic development that I think are not only useful but a whole lotta fun!. As a result, I am going to be offering several classes on color mixing and matching in both watercolor and acrylic. Counterfeiting color can be quite relaxing and challenging at the same time. We will be working with small images to match color to. I will be going through it step by step and have a simple system I am happy to share with you. I would recommend these to any beginner or established artist and suggest bringing a notebook along. Lots to learn!

I have long believed (and experienced) that who we are and our inner life have a lot to do with what, how and why we paint. So, I am also offering a new class on Soul Painting which involves a brief meditation and guided painting session to get in touch with that part of you.

I have worked in the intuitive field for over 40 years and have seen how our higher self reaches out to try and help on a daily basis. It is not a religious concept and is in no way an influence on what you believe. It is simply a part of who we are and it is just a lovely way to touch in on that. In many ways it enriches your spiritual and daily life.

If you are interested in intuitive and Reiki energy sharing, I am starting a twice monthly reiki share on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month with Lynn Bachus - Reiki Master. It is a very informal, relaxed meditation, reiki and centering meet at my studio on Humboldt Rd. Perfect to ground yourself for the week or get insight into things that are happening in your life. So, if you are curious or would like the company of spiritual community, come on by - starting July 8th. At 6.30pm. Contact me for details.

I hope to see you soon! For now, I have to go and harvest the tomatoes that grew and ripened while I wrote this. I see a pot of spaghetti sauce in my future!

Have a perfect day.



Watercolor Materials List


Choosing paints